As I write the blog posts I often end up giving myself tasks to complete. Writing will sometimes prompt me to realize that there are tasks still to be done with a certain topic. I have decided to record these tasks here, and hopefully this will shame me into finishing the job.
- Finish the story of White Clover Dairy.
- Photograph the Baptismal Font in St. Francis Catholic Church, Hollandtown, Wisconsin
- Obtain the Postmaster records for L. H. Cook.
- Continue to blog and tell the story of Samuel Andrew Cook.
- Discover, if I can, what happened to Heinrich Kloefkorn. Did he die on the trip, or soon after landing in America.
- Who is Agnes Fassbender?
- Visit and photograph Trinity Lutheran Church in Ellington, Wisconsin.
- Create a Gallery of postcard images for the Tapper Building aka the German National Bank in Hammond, Indiana.
- Continue to blog and tell the story of Jacob Harrison Cook, and his life while living in Appleton, Wisconsin’
- Check the spelling of Sternitzky on my dad’s birth certificate.